About Excel exporting using Nikasoft NativeExcel..

I’m still looking at Excel components. From the same series so far:

This time I’ll try Nikasoft NativeExcel and follow the same procedure as in previous posts of the series.

What does it do ?

Works without Excel, creates Excel 97-2003 documents, which may contain formulas, images, formatting etc. See the feature list yourself. It seems to support everything I need.

What do I need ?

Support for data types, unicode, basic formatting, formulas, cell merge, column width – the same things as in my previous excel-component test.

What did I get ?

As already becoming a norm - functionally I got everything I wanted. Again, as I used demo version then it overwrote the top-left cell with warning “This worksheet was created by demo version of NativeExcel library”. I didn’t like that it overwrote my own text in there without warning which is more invasive than Winnovative’s extra sheet. In production I hope they’ll somehow lose it, I hope.

The file was a Excel 97-2003 xls file, And even though it provided tools to export Excel 5 and 97 version as well as CSV and a few more, it does NOT support xlsx. Not a big thing but a sign.


How did I do it ?

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
using NativeExcel;

public class NativeExcelTest
private const int DummyRows = 15;

public static void Build()
//prepare sheet
IWorkbook book = NativeExcel.Factory.CreateWorkbook();
IWorksheet sheet = book.Worksheets.Add();
sheet.Name = "Sample";

//create data
int currentRow = 1;
//we can use excel style range instead of coordinates.
sheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "demonstrate merge";

BuildHeaderRow(sheet, ++currentRow);
for(int i = 1; i <= DummyRows; i++)
BuildDataRow(sheet, i, ++currentRow);
BuildSummaryRow(sheet, ++currentRow);

//corrigate column widths:

//output result

private static void BuildHeaderRow(IWorksheet sheet, int toRow)
sheet.Cells[toRow, 1].Value = "index";
sheet.Cells[toRow, 2].Value = "1/index";
sheet.Cells[toRow, 3].Value = "name";
sheet.Cells[toRow, 4].Value = "datetime";
sheet.Cells[toRow, 1, toRow, 4].Font.Bold = true;

private static void BuildDataRow(IWorksheet sheet, int dataIndex, int toRow)
//generate dummy data row using dataIndex for values:
sheet.Cells[toRow, 1].Value = dataIndex;
sheet.Cells[toRow, 2].Value = 1.0M / dataIndex;
sheet.Cells[toRow, 3].Value = "Ilus õõvaöö nr "
+ dataIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
sheet.Cells[toRow, 4].Value = DateTime.Today.AddDays(dataIndex);

private static void BuildSummaryRow(IWorksheet sheet, int toRow)
sheet.Cells[toRow, 1].Formula = String.Format("=AVERAGE(A{0}:A{1})", toRow - DummyRows, toRow - 1);
sheet.Cells[toRow, 2].Formula = String.Format("=SUM(B{0}:B{1})", toRow - DummyRows, toRow - 1);
sheet.Cells[toRow, 4].Formula = String.Format("=D{0}+1", toRow - 1);
//it didn't get the formula type correctly.
sheet.Cells[toRow, 4].NumberFormat
= Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern;

Some subjective numbers:

  • ~64 lines of code (including empty lines, usings, etc)
  • runs approx 200-240 ms on E8300 @2.83GHz, 4GB RAM.

What do I think ?

Having previously tried Winnovative component, the transition was smooth and without serious problems. All differences for my simple testcase were rather small and syntactic. Maybe I’m biased, but it felt a bit messier than Winnovative component. But as there is also price difference then better try it out yourself before choosing one or the other.

The good

  • mostly managed code, .Net fw 2.0
    • Requires windows as there’s reference to GDI32.dll
  • relatively cheap
    • $140 (registered user licence)
      • it seems there it may be with source code but without the right to modify
      • not sure if licencees are named developers or how the number of development machines matter.
      • unlimited deploy
    • $450 (site licence)
      • source code + right to recompile
      • All employees can develop
      • unlimited deploy
  • Probably single dll deployment (~0.5 MB)
  • Seems to do everything I need
  • decent API
    • friendly and flexible cell referencing tools, similar to those of Winnovative.
      • indexed (row 1, col 1) or “A1”-style
    • no adding of empty cells/rows as for CarlosAG.
  • Some documentation in web (mostly in the form of code samples

The bad:

  • Not free
    • see the prices mentioned above. Not much but more than nothing.
  • No xlsx
    • It probably is not so important to end-users, but I like the idea of the new format. Not to mentioned this is the format to be supported by Excel longer and better than the older one.
  • No xmldoc included with demo dll
    • The documentation is in web though, maybe will be included after buying the licence.
  • slower than any component I’ve seen
    • 200ms-250ms for the trivial testcase. This is 4-6 times slower than other components I’ve tested. Uh-oh, this is no small difference.
  • Some weird things in API
    • prefixes, like “xl”, “mso”, “H”, “V”. This smells of bad style.
    • interfaces & factories for everything. Seems unneccessary complex design for simple things. Debugging and code readability suffers because of actual class hiding.
  • Lots of releases. 
    • started in 2006, but since the start of 2009 there has been 19 releases, including sometimes with just 1 day apart. They are either really fast at responding to bug notices or there are quality problems. Not sure which.
  • Uncertainty for demo vs licenced version
    • No information if/how the demo version and registered assemblies differ or how licence existance is verified at runtime, does the assembly remain the same, etc.

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